Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sorry it has been so long!

Sorry it has been so long since I last updated! Aurora is 6 months old today and Bella turned 3 over a month ago; my mind cannot comprehend how fast time is going.  Rora is sitting up on her own, can partially get on all 4s and is trying to figure out how to crawl, and is a huge fan of food.  She still doesn't sleep through the night, which is extremely draining, but overall, she has become a very happy and smiley baby.  Bella has become quite sassy and opinionated and is a huge drama queen and hypochondriac; auntie Noel would be proud.  Overall, life is exhausting, but great.  We are looking forward to Halloween and costumes; I can't wait for you all to see what we come up with!

I hope you all are doing well.  Lots of love & kisses from Madison. 

PS, sorry we haven't been in lately; our weekends are super busy, full of photo shoots and activities and we never have a chance to breathe.  We will find some time eventually, I promise!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Aurora is 4 weeks old!

Aurora is 4 weeks old already; time has actually gone really fast! We are still adjusting, but things are going pretty well overall. Bella is really stepping into her big sister role and helping me with as much as she can and is really sweet to watch with her. Aurora was crying in her swing today, and she went over without me asking, sat down and talked to in a sweet voice, "it's ok, I am right here. No crying, I am right here" and believe it or not, Aurora stopped crying and in the words of Bella, "I made her happy!" Brian and I feel very fortunate to have 2 amazing girls, and I can't wait to keep watching them grow up together. Enjoy some of the latest photos!