Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pictures of Bella in the Sweater Grandma Trudy made her!

I have been wanting to get these pictures for a few weeks, and finally had some time today, however, Bella had different plans...she didn't want to cooperate for anything. I got a few decent ones, but I would have loved to have some more cooperation from her. The sweater & hat are so cute, I hope the pictures do her work justice!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bella in the snow

Aside from refusing to wear gloves & complaining of being cold after just 5 minutes, even though set up took 15 minutes, she had a good time in those 5 minutes eating the snow & kicking it around. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

about 10 weeks left!

Baby belly is growing! I am over 29 weeks pregnant now, and AJ is getting big! I tried my hand at some self portraits, which was extremely frustrating & time consuming, but I managed to get a few worth sharing. Most were over exposed, since lighting & camera operation and positioning myself were all very hard to do and beyond exhausting, but oh well, live & learn. Thank god for photoshop!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Early Valentines Day, love the Martin family

Auntie Kim made Bella this adorable cupcake hat for Christmas, and wanted to share it with the world, so I decided to use it as my inspiration for a new photo shoot. I made her a little tulle tutu, threw the hat on her head and used a $25 gift card that we had lying around to get some of the most delicious cupcakes. Bella was extremely cooperative (who wouldn't be w/the bribe of cupcakes) and Big City even got his own "pupcake" to enjoy, although, he much rather would eaten Bella's; the shoot was a success.  I am still trying to figure out how to shoot in manual mode vs automatic, and it has been a challenge, but I am starting to get the hang of it...between that & playing in photoshop, my brain is in photography overdrive. 

I can't wait for AJ to arrive, I will have a new muse & will hopefully get so many great shots of her doing ridiculously cute things.... Until then, enjoy Big City and Bella in "Cupcake Pupcake"

 I absolutely love how he is licking his chops in this one!