Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So what are you doing March 27?

I will be having a baby! Miss Aurora Jamison is set to arrive via c-section on March 27, unless she decides to come earlier on her own.  Unfortunately, after weeks of waiting to see if she would turn head down, she has been unable to do so and the doctor called off the waiting game and went ahead and scheduled me for the procedure.

I was very, very upset and hurt over the loss of the natural birth I wanted so badly, especially after such an amazing experience with Bella, but ultimately, I am focusing on the fact that it is best for both baby and me to go ahead with the C-section. There are ways to manually get a baby to move head down, but due to her placenta not being fully attached to the uterine wall, the chance of detachment & possible fetal death is too great, so the only real option is the surgery.  I even contacted some midwives outside of my OB practice who specialize in natural births, and they all agree that in my situation, a c-section is best, so I feel confident that this is the right decision.

I was driving home from my OB appointment yesterday, tearing up since I was so upset over the c-section, and as I pulled in to the drive way, the Rolling Stones came on the radio and the choir started singing "you can't always get what you want...but if you try sometimes, you get what you need" and in that moment, I realized that my priorities were very skewed; that what I wanted was not as important as what I needed, and what I need is a healthy baby, that is all that really matters. So here I am, one day later, totally accepting of the fact that this is for the best and ever grateful for the words of wisdom from the Stones. 

That leaves 20 days for me to actually start getting ready for baby...I finally got her clothes organized and bought some diapers and wipes, but overall, my energy level has been pretty low and I have done next to nothing...woops! My last day of work will be the 23rd, and then I will have a few days left to cherish the time alone with Bella, and then we all will have to brace ourselves for impact as "Rora" (what Bella calls her) comes into our lives!

We are very excited and can't wait to update you all as to how she is doing when she gets here!

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